Week 52: CDC/VAERS Reports 21,785 Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths – This Must Stop!
As of December 10, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database report a total (all locations) of 21,785 deaths from the Covid-19 investigational vaccines. This is an increase of 1.9% from last week’s report of 21,384.
Further, the CDC reports 35,013 permanent disabilities have been caused by the covid jabs. This is an increase of 3.2% from last week. They also note that a total of 24,069 life threatening events have occurred from these gene therapy “vaccines.”
Even without accounting for historically low vaccine injury reporting in VAERS, the data for major Covid-19 vaccine adverse events is trending up. If we continue to see a weekly increase of 1.9%, then we should expect to see approximately 23,000 deaths from the jab by year end. At a weekly rate increase of 3.2%, we should expect to see about 38,450 permanent disabilities by New Year’s day. This is absolutely terrible — and very likely understated due to underreporting considerations associated with the VAERS reporting system.
With 965,843 total adverse events reported, it is plainly apparent that the covid jabs certainly aren’t “safe” for many people. Moreover, if we consider the excellent analysis by Steve Kirsch and account for his VAERS underreporting factor (URF) of 41, we are are likely already over 893,000 total deaths by the covid jabs (41 times 21,785).
For those of you who believe that the VAERS data should only include US locations, the results still appear equally troubling. As you can see, VAERS is now reporting 10,818 deaths in US (and US territories) from the covid shots. This equates to over 443,500 deaths if we apply Kirsch’s URF (41 times 10,818). This mass vaccination program has been nothing short of a disaster.
No matter how you analyze it, the numbers do not support that these so-called vaccines are risk-free. In fact, they look quite the opposite.
Don’t let anyone, including your family, manipulate or gaslight you into taking any medical therapy or “vaccine.” You must assess the risks and benefits thoroughly. Your life may entirely depend on it.
After 52 weeks since the first jab, it’s time to stop the Covid-19 mass vaccination program and tyrannical vaccine mandates!