Fast Rope

The truth will out.

The Spectacular Failure of COVID Shots

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE British data show the COVID shots are an abysmal failure, as COVID infection rates in the U.K. are higher among the “fully vaccinated” in all adult cohorts Infection rates are also rising faster among the fully vaxxed than in unvaccinated cohorts of all ages. All in all, these data prove […]

Will You Be Jailed for Protesting Vaccine Mandates?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE The Online Safety Bill, currently under consideration in the U.K., would stifle freedom of speech about any topic deemed “harmful.” The Times reported government sources used the example of “antivaxxers,” or those opposed to the new genetic therapy injection The new law sets the stage for greater public control in […]