COVID Vaccine Deaths in VAERS Increased Nearly 60 Percent in 2022

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by Jocko Buddy

Covid Vaccine Death Up 60% in 2022

After 107 weeks since the first covid jab, the results of the mass vaccination program are looking quite grim. Deadly to say the least.

As of December 30, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) report a staggering 1,494,382 Covid-19 vaccine adverse events (all locations). That’s an increase of 46.9% from the end of 2021 (1,017,001 total adverse events).

Ponder that for a moment. Almost a half-million more people are reported to have been negatively impacted, death included, by the covid shots in 2022.

Of particular note, the 2022 VAERS data also indicates a staggering 36,849 deaths from these investigational vaccines. This is an astonishing increase of 59.9% from last year’s report of 23,048.

Further, VAERS reports 64,493  permanent disabilities related to the covid jabs. This is a whopping increase of 68.7% from last year’s 38,219 permanent disabilities. According to financial guru and former BlackRock portfolio manager, Ed Dowd, disability claims are also skyrocketing.

VAERS also indicates that a total of 37,685 life threatening events have occurred from these gene therapy treatments. This is a 47.6% increase from last year’s report of 25,529 life threatening events.

The Covid-19 vaccination stupidity has to cease. We are now witnessing nothing more than a gussied up population reduction program disguised as public health policy. Its “pushers” must be stopped and prosecuted. Nuremberg trials would be appropriate.

VAERS Reported Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths – All Locations (Source: CDC/VAERS)

VAERS Early-Warning Indications

VAERS is intended to serve as an early-warning system to flag vaccine safety issues. You would think that with almost 1.5 million injuries and deaths reported, the CDC would immediately shut down their insane mass vaccination experiment and investigate thoroughly. How many safety signals do the CDC and FDA need?

These covid jabs are too dangerous—and their continued promotion simply criminal. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, many of us know something is wrong. The warning sirens are blaring, yet we still see little to no concern from our public health authorities.

Covid vaccines have failed in nearly every dimension of efficacy. Moreover, the continued prevalence of new covid strains in the vaccinated population serves as clear evidence of the jab’s ineffectiveness .

Although a goldmine for the CDC’s (and FDA’s) paymaster, Big Pharma, we can conclude that the CDC’s mass vaccination policy has been and epic failure. There can be no more excuses. There is no emergency. Those who continue to promote this health disaster must be held accountable.

VAERS and Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Massively Underreported

Even without considering historically low vaccine injury reporting in VAERS, the data for major Covid-19 vaccine adverse events is astonishing. If we continue to see yearly deaths increase by 60%, then we should expect VAERS to report about 59,000 deaths from the jab by the end of 2023. This may likely be a conservative estimate as recent insurance mortality data has revealed some very alarming results.

Similarly, at a yearly rate increase of 68.7%, we could expect to see about 109,000 permanent disabilities by the end of the year.

These numbers are horrific— and most likely understated due to under-reporting considerations associated with the VAERS reporting system.

With 1,494,382 total adverse events reported and countless jabbed getting Covid, it is plainly apparent that these vaccines are not safe or effective. And, if we consider the excellent analysis by Steve Kirsch and account for his VAERS under-reporting factor (URF) of 41, we are likely well over 1.5 million total deaths by the covid jabs (41 times 36,849).

How many turbo cancers, strokes, cardiac arrests, and deaths will it take before our public health officials admit culpability in this decimation? How many of the young and athletic who “died suddenly” will it take before they consider the jab as the proximate cause?

Answer: Probably far more than CDC/VAERS will ever report.