Fast Rope

The truth will out.

The Coming of Corporate Collectivism

by Jeff Thomas via International Man Benito Mussolini stated that “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power.” Quite so. Interestingly, many, and perhaps most people today, lack an understanding as to the system under which they are ruled. In the US in particular, most people who […]

An End to Progress

by Jeff Thomas via International Man “Progress may have been all right once, but it has gone on too long.” I’ve always been fond of that quote. Back when Ogden Nash wrote it, it was quite clever. Today, the quote is a bit less entertaining, as we are living in a period when, more and […]

Woke Capitalism Is a Monopoly Game

Lee esto en Español by Michael Rectenwald via In 2018, Ross Douthat of the New York Times introduced the phrase “woke capital.” Essentially, Douthat suggested that woke capitalism works by substitut­ing symbolic value for economic value. Under woke capitalism, corporations offer workers rhetorical pla­cebos in lieu of costlier economic concessions, such as higher wages […]

The Myth of Efficient Government Service

by Murray N. Rothbard via Mises Institute [This excerpt from Man, Economy, and State, with Power and Market is an explanation and elaboration of points first made in Ludwig von Mises’s Bureaucracy—and provides an excellent example of how Murray Rothbard’s treatise built on Mises’s to employ and extend the core analytical framework. The footnotes have […]

How the Left Defends Communist Totalitarianism

by Anton Balint via In September 2010, Stanford University published an article called “Stalin killed millions”, with the punchline: “When it comes to use of the word “genocide,” public opinion has been kinder to Stalin than Hitler”. The sentiment has been echoed more than a decade later, and across the Atlantic ocean, in an […]

The Sandcastle

Fascism is capitalism in decline. by Jeff Thomas via International Man The decline from democracy to tyranny is both a natural and inevitable one. That’s not a pleasant thought to have to consider, but it’s a fact, nonetheless. In every case, a democracy will deteriorate as the result of the electorate accepting the loss of […]

Plunder or Enterprise: The World’s Choice

by Thomas E. Woods, Jr. via Mises Institute These remarks were delivered in March 2007 at a Cato Institute conference called What Should Be a Culture of Enterprise in an Age of Globalization? Although supporters of the market economy often have good reason for pessimism, it is important, especially in this age of globalization, not […]

When Idiocy Becomes Hardwired

by Jeff Thomas via International Man At this point, virtually all of us over the age of forty have encountered enough “snowflakes” (those Millennials who have a meltdown if anything they say or believe is challenged) to understand that, increasingly, young people are being systemically coddled to the point that they cannot cope with their […]

The Sovietization of America

Wow! This is an incredible interview — and a bit scary! Yuri Maltsev, former member of a senior Soviet Union economics team working under President Mikhail Gorbachev, discusses how the United States is descending into socialism. Maltsev also notes that many of President Biden’s policies are eerily reminiscent of those pursued in the Soviet Union. […]

Let’s Go Brandon!

This tide is turning for The Big Guy, and it’s not looking good. President Biden’s poll numbers are plummeting, and now pop culture is voicing its undeniable discontent with him and his policies. Loza Alexander raps poetically what many of us are thinking, “Don’t nobody want this commie, cuz we ain’t in China…Go Brandon, but […]

What Is Socialism and How Can We Fight It?

Do have the feeling that socialism is bad, but don’t know why or what to do about it? Are you looking for tools to reverse its surging popularity with the younger generations? Then, watch this excellent video by the Mises Institute. It explains the problems with socialism in less than four minutes. More importantly, the […]